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Our Study Groups.

You are encouraged to browse our Study Groups below and by opening the Info Sheet below you will be able to contact a Convenor who will provide you with more information and make sure to make you feel welcome on your visit.


Antiques & Collectables

We meet on the second Thursday of the month in member's homes at 2.00 pm.  Each meeting has a chosen topic and members bring along an example or two and discuss the background. One member may be nominated to research the topic  in more depth.  We also have occasional visits to places of interest to view collections of antiques or interesting bygones.

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Art History

We meet in the Keeling Room St Andrews Village on the third Tuesday of the month at 2.00 p.m. Art History is the study of both the “major” arts of painting, sculpture and architecture as well as the “minor” arts of ceramics, furniture and other decorative objects taking in their stylistic context and historical development, i.e. genre, design, format and style. Group members take turns in researching and making a presentation of about 20-25 minutes on a given topic. 


Book Reviews

We meet in members’ homes on the first Thursday of the month at 10 am. This group is in its 17th year and must have already discussed about 150 books, but the members never run short of more books to study. Each month we all read the same book and share our often varied opinions of the book. The membership of the group is kept at about 12/13, in order to give everyone a chance to contribute. At present we have room for one or two more.


Books We've Read

This new group was started early in 2021 when it became clear that because the first book review group was at a maximum limit there was a need for a second group.

However the group agreed to a change in the usual format for book groups wherein one particular book is discussed each month. At a typical meeting the members talk about the books they have read during the month. The brief reviews are collated and a summary is sent to members after each meeting. 

 The reviews are available to members who cannot attend meetings.  We have learned, for example, of the excellent crime series based in Venice by Donna Leon and the great Tudor crime novel series of C J Sanson.  One of our members drew our attention at our last meeting to the excellent British monthly, The Oldie. Members receive at no cost a newsletter from a New Zealander, based in Australia, "Letters of a Book Addict". Meetings are held on the second Friday of the month at 10.45am

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Classic Films

We meet at the Media Room in the St Andrews Community Centre on the 4th Thursday of the month at 2.15pm. We watch a selection of films that are considered classic - the criteria is quite wide.  These are chosen by members of the group and an in depth critique discussion following the viewing of the film covers a range of aspects - scenery, plot, acting performance etc.

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Countries of the world - What Makes Them Tick

Are you curious about other places in the world?  Do you enjoy finding out about peoples and cultures?  If so, Countries of the World is the Study Group for you.  Members take turns at researching and presenting on the history, economy, culture and political situation of a country or region that interests them.  We try to have two presentations per meeting, followed by discussion over a cuppa.  Recent studies have included Tajikistan, Belize, Senegal, Taiwan and Bulgaria.  We meet on the fourth Tuesday at 1.30pm and new members are welcome. 


Current Affairs

The Current Affairs Group meets on the third Monday of the month at 10am - please check Study Group schedule for venue. Each member brings news items from newspapers, periodicals or the internet on national or international topics of interest which are presented and discussed. The interchange is stimulating and the morning tea is provided gratis courtesy of the village.


Earth Science

The Earth science group is looking at any things within geology chemistry, prehistory and astronomy. Earth science aims to look at all aspects of the new world in all different places. We have looked through the geological timescale, and aspects of landscape we have looked at places where the structure of a firm of chemistry is a major contributor and we are working on all sorts of other aspects of the physical world is suggested by the members.    We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month


Famous and Infamous

We meet in the Lusk Room at St Andrews Village at 10.00 am on the second Thursday of each month. We have a short quiz to start, with each member contributing a question, and much discussion about the answers. This is followed usually with two presentations by members, discussing the lives of famous or infamous people, and further discussion.  We have ten members at present and new members are welcome.

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Gallery Visits 1

Gallery Visits1-meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month. We visit a range of current art exhibitions in Auckland. These vary from the traditional to the ultra modern. Usually we have some guidance and explanation from the gallery to extend our knowledge and hopefully widen our horizons. We try to keep an open mind!

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Gallery Visits 2

Gallery Visits 2 meet on the 3rd Friday of each month at 10am depending on what we are doing. We mainly visit the various Auckland Art Galleries,  the Pah Homestead for special collections, or go on excursions eg Botanical Gardens to see the sculptures or Waiheke Island for Sculpture on the Gulf. We always finish the visit with a coffee and something to eat at an appropriate place and discuss what we have seen. Our membership has been consistent  and although quite a big group we could take on a few more members.


Global Issues

We meet the first Tuesday of the month - please check venue on the Study Group schedule - at 1.30pm We discuss the big issues facing the World at the present time, taking turns at preparing and presenting short talks on the issue under discussion.  If you wish to develop a better understanding of the complex and challenging issues the World is facing this is the group for you.  At present we have 22 members and have room for more.


Heritage Walks

We meet on the fourth Monday of the month with the objective of exploring Auckland’s heritage and social history through research by members of our group.  Our walks has found our group in Onehunga, Devonport, Ponsonby and Mount Eden but with many more places on our list – provided there is a coffee shop!  


Poetry and Prose

"The Poetry and Prose group is a small group meeting at The Keeling Room at St Andrews Village on the first Monday of the month at 1000am.  We are a very informal group and sit around a table sharing a love of poetry and prose.  As a group we select a subject for each month of the year, and each read out our choice of literature - whether it be funny or serious, modern or traditional, of New Zealand or overseas origin.  We have light discussions on the subjects read.  We are always very happy to welcome new members.  This study group is in recess at present.


Modern History

We meet in the Keeling Room at St Andrews Village at 1.30 pm on the third Thursday of each month. We study the history of various countries, focused on the last 300 years. Members volunteer to research a topic and prepare a talk, and we would usually have two or three presentations with much discussion, at each meeting. We are currently studying American history, from the Civil War through to 1918. This is a very popular group and membership is at present 24, close to the maximum.



This is an informal group who get together to attend concerts and musical performances



We meet each month on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 2pm in a Scrabble member's home.  We welcome beginners and experienced players alike.  Our meetings are times of stimulating challenge and warm fellowship.


Stepping Out

“The Stepping Out Group meets on the 2nd Monday of every month.   Our objective is to have walks in various parks or places of interest around Auckland  such as Muriwai Beach or the Domain or Cornwall Park.  Information about the walking areas is presented by members of the group. The walk are generally not strenuous and would suit a moderately fit person.  Currently we have 17 members and new members are welcome”


Theatre Visits

The Theatre Visits Group meets on the third Tuesday of the month at the Community Centre St. Andrews Village, 207 Riddell Road ,Glendowie. Our aim is to support and study live theatre  and we usually visit one performance each month. We particularly like Community Theatres which are more affordable, with an occasional School Productions or a special film. At our meetings we discuss productions we have seen and decide on our future programme.  In recession at present.


Words and Puzzles

We meet on the second Wednesday of the month in members’ homes at 2.00pm.  Our main interest is solving cryptic crosswords but we also include origins of old sayings and the meanings of words. If you want to learn how to solve cryptic crosswords and are interested in the origins of sayings, we would welcome you as a member.


Scribblers Ink

The Word ABRACADABRA in Hebrew means “in speaking I shall create”  and so we meet every last Friday of the month at 10:00, grabbing a coffee as we come past The Terrraces (in-house) restaurant and then we sit down with our pens and paper. Each month we start with an activity to spark ideas followed often by a short writing storm which we read and share without judgement.  Could be a couple of paragraphs, a poem, prose, story, we’ve even done letters to a fictitious editor. We end with a project to write at home, either a reflection on what we’ve done with the group, editing or crafting it or something new which we have time to muse over.  Again to be shared  and/or critiqued. We are bound only by our imagination…

Want to find out more about one of our study groups?

We are a friendly, inclusive group, and we welcome any visitors who are interested in finding out more about u3a St Heliers, or joining one of our study groups. 

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